
‘IT FEELS GREAT TO BE IN MEXICO AGAIN’ Checo hopes to give fans an amazing race

26 October 2017  03:45 PM

Mexico City, Mex. – Once again Sergio Pérez comes to the Mexican Grand Prix with the hopes of a nation on his shoulders – especially in light of the terrible events of recent times.

‘It feels great to be in Mexico again,’ said Force India’s Mexican star in the first official press conference at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodriguez.

‘It’s been a very tough couple of months for my country in general, not just Mexico City. ‘What happened was horrible, but it was amazing to see Mexico so united – but not only Mexico, the whole world, how everyone supported Mexico was pretty special. I think that’s one of the reasons that this race is going to be very special for the fans.

I really hope that the fans who come here will have an amazing time and the ones watching at home, hopefully I give them an amazing race and a lot of happiness that they really deserve.’ As always, ‘Checo’ looks forward to feeling the love at home.

‘It’s a race that I’m waiting the whole season for. It comes pretty late in the calendar, but it comes at the right time. The atmosphere, the energy that I get from the fans is something amazing, so much support. From the moment I arrive to the moment I leave it’s flat out. So much looking forward to give the very best to all my friends, in the track and off the track, to give the very best to them.’ Sometimes in 2017 Force India has not given its best because Perez has been involved in on-track incidents with teammate Esteban Ocon. So much so that the team imposed strict control on their ability to race each other, but Pérez believes those problems are in the past.

‘We obviously had a bad relationship since Baku (the Azerbaijan Grand Prix),’ he acknowledged, ‘and especially we hit a very low point in Belgium, but afterwards we had a good conversation between us only and since that point everything has changed. ‘It’s very important that in a team both drivers are united,’ he insisted.

‘Obviously you want to beat each other but it’s important to have that respect, and I think that respect is in place now. I think we have to gain the trust back, to show the bosses that we can race without any trouble, that’s the main priority.’

All the more so as Force India is a team that punches above its weight. They are comfortably fourth again in the constructors’ table behind F1’s three ‘super-teams’, Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull. So Checo is happy to set personal ambition aside – to a certain extent! ‘The #1 is the one that scores the most points or delivers the most for the team, and that is my priority, but at the same time have the development, work together with Esteban to help the team and move forward. Considering the tight budget we have, fighting forces like Red Bull and Ferrari, it’s really difficult for us, so we have to work all together to move the team forward.

‘The atmosphere, not only between us, but also the engineers and everyone, is really good, and having both sides working together has made a big difference. Especially going into next year it’s very important, because it’s a massive challenge and we have to work together for the benefit of the team.’