
The Formula 1 Community and Mexico Grand Prix organisers unite in earthquake relief donation and get 9,000 children back to school

28 October 2017  10:46 AM

  • 600 temporary classrooms and essential school supplies will be donated allowing 9,000 Mexican children to return to class.
  • The help is destined for children in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, both regions were severely affected by the September earthquakes.
  • 300 temporary classrooms will be installed in Oaxaca and another 300 in Chiapas.

In the aftermath of the devastating recent earthquakes that took place in Mexico on September 7th and 19th, the Formula 1 family and the Mexican Grand Prix organisers are making a joint donation of 600 temporary classrooms that will allow 9,000 Mexican children to resume their education.

This action, which is a sign of solidarity and support, takes special relevance as it is part of the very important reconstruction phase in the aftermath of the natural disaster. With the donation, the parties involved will provide immediate and direct support to families affected in the most damaged areas.

Alejandro Soberón, President of the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO 2017 and CIE Chairman & CEO, commented: “This weekend we want to show the world that Mexico is still standing and more united than ever. However, much remains to be done in the months and years to come. This is exactly why we decided to support this particular initiative as we are keen to help the future generations of Mexicans to come out of this even stronger.”

Chase Carey, Chairman and CEO, Formula 1, said: “The whole Formula 1 family wanted to show its full support to the Mexican population hit by the earthquakes of last September. The resilience and courage of the Mexican people have been incredible and we are proud to contribute to this cause. Education is one of the most fundamental human rights and we will be more than happy to know that, thanks to this project, these 9,000 children will be able to enjoy this right with immediate effect.”

The implementation of this temporary classrooms will be coordinated by the Civil Association CADENA (Disasters and National Emergencies Assistance Committee), which has successfully carried out over 150 national and international missions over 12 years.

This initiative adds to the support display shown during the Japanese Grand Prix when the drivers issued an encouragement message for the Mexican people through the FuerzaMex1co hashtag.

An open invitation is sent to all those attending the Mexican Grand Prix on Sunday, October 29th to stand up and raise their fists during Lap 19 of the race as a sign of support and in memory of those affected by the earthquakes. Throughout the world the raised fist, or the clenched fist, is a symbol of solidarity and support. It is also used as a salute to express unity, strength, defiance, or resistance.

Fans of Formula 1 from all over the world can offer their support and join the donation in-kind through the CADENA website. All help, from $1 USD onwards, makes a positive difference.

Visit for donations in US dollars.