
FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™ commemorates International Women’s Day

08 March 2018  10:10 AM

  • Claire Williams, leader at team Williams Martini Racing, shares her opinion regarding to women’s presence in Formula 1®.

Contrary to popular belief, in both Formula 1® – as a category – and in FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™ – as an event –, there are many women involved in key positions for their development.

Over time, more and more women have joined motor racing world into different essential areas, as drivers and team leaders, involved in all the happenings “back stage” in both fields, administrative and organizational.

As an example of it, we have the successful British, Claire Williams, Joint Director of Williams Martini Racing. Founder and CEO of the team, – Sir Frank Williams’ daughter – Claire has gown between cars and drivers since her birth. In 2013 she took her current position as team leader and under that title she has outstood for keeping Williams Martini Racing into the Builder’s World Championship top 5 since 2014.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Claire in exclusive for FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™ she stated:

“Nowadays there are many incredible initiatives aiming to promote and support women’s development in motor racing and regarding to it, I think the sport is moving into the right direction”.

“The more women visible on tracks and in high positions within teams, the bigger chance it is for new women to consider the industry as a feasible option in professional level”.

“Personally, I have always felt my gender is an irrelevant aspect in this sport. F1® is so competitive that the only thing that truly matters is talent and ability; no matter the gender, there is no place for anyone who is not at the level. This category is only a meritocracy for that matter”.

“That is why, I keep telling to all those young women who come to me, that if you work hard and have the skills needed to do the job, then you can reach all your goals, wherever in motor racing or in life in general”.

But Williams is just an example out of the multiple women that comprises the “Great Circus”. In Mexico we have outstanding examples besides Claire, such as:

  • Lourdes Skipsey – Operations Officer for FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™, is the responsible of coordinating everything that occurs on track (track monitoring, telemetry, etc.) and off track (entertainment areas, food and beverages court).
  • Anabelle Ramos Food and Drink Officer for Grupo CIE and Centro CitiBanamex, responsable of providing the service for all the suites (except Formula One Paddock Club) and other hospitality areas during FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™ three-day event.
  • Fernanda Martínez Verduzco – Chief Post Marshall participant in editions 2015, 2016 and 2017 of FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™, along with her official track colleagues, is in charge of maintaining security on Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez’ track during Grand Prix.