
Survey Checo Pérez and Antonio Pérez Garibay FATHER’S DAY SPECIAL

16 June 2017  12:05 PM

 Some questions for Antonio Pérez Garibay


How would you describe Sergio Pérez, as a driver and human being?

Checo is an excellent human being. A family and noble person, who is always taking care of everybody. That person we see on the track is totally different form the person off of it. 

On the track he is aggressive and fast. Keeping at all time, his competitiveness and intelligence as both, human being and driver. He is not the losing kind, nor on or off the track.


As a child, did you use to watch the Grand Prix with Checo?

Yes, I am a huge fan of F1 since I was younger. My kids grew old watching F1 at home. Motor racing has always been a conversation topic in the family. I think, nowadays there is no alive race you could miss, no matter the broadcasting time.


Have you always been like that? One of those fans who gets up early or stays up late only to watch a Grand Prix?

Yes, as a younger kid I once slept over outside a hotel to get drivers’ autographs.


Has Checo always felt this passion for motor racing?

No. There was a time of his life when he claimed we wanted to be a soccer player, he even was about to quit the karts, but it was just temporary. Soon, he realized car racing was his thing and he hasn’t quit them ever since.


Do you have any special memory of Checo as a kid, in connection with his love for motor racing?

I remember I used to arrive to my office and all the furniture were disorderly moved by him, cause he usually tried to build his car and drive it wearing a pilot suit. He was dreaming of racing against the best F1 drivers since then.


Checo began his career at a very young age, did you sometime feel scared of him practicing such quite dangerous sport?

Of course, danger is always present but we know as well it is part of the sport. I saw many of my idols dying on the track and it is of course a constant risk that is why Checo always prays to God before heading to the track.


When did you notice Checo’s skills at the wheel?

He showed having really good hands since he was a kid. I used to have him competing against his brother Toño in major categories. That is when he began to stand out


Did you always know Checo could make it that far on his career?

Yes, it is a dream come true. I knew my son had the talent to make it. Obviously F1 is not always about the talent, but fortunately things worked well for him to make it and stay there for seven seasons.


How did your passion for Formula 1® begin? Was your father also a motor racing fan?

I us worked in a mechanical workshop and the owner used run cars. I always told him to let me go up on one of the cars; and he didn’t allow me to, because he used to say it might become an addiction. Indeed I once convinced him to, and I felt in love instantly. That’s when that passion for it rose up in me.


Which has been your best advice for Checo until now, for both professional and personal field?

Never to give up, always going forward and never stop knocking on doors. You already have a “no” for sure, but you have to take risks and go for it.


What’s the biggest lesson you have learned during this adventure in motor racing?

F1 is a demanding environment where you can be as good or as bad as in your last race. It is hard, but that is why the best drivers are gathered thereof.


Could you describe the moment when you found out Checo would be a driver for

F1® team, Sauber six years ago?

I remember Checo called us, he said he was in Mexico City and was about to be presented with Sauber, during a press conference early in the following morning. In that moment we took our things and ran to Mexico City, drove all night to get there in the morning. It was really exciting and a dream come true.


What do you feel, when you picture Checo climbing the podium of FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE


Can you imagine that? I only hope I don’t get a heart attack of the excitement. It would mean a great party in the whole country.


What did you feel when you knew Formula 1® was coming back to Mexico?

I was like another dream come true. I lived the first two stages of F1 in Mexico and obviously when Checo made it to the F1, it was what all Mexican wanted. Checo had never raced in his country.


How have you experienced this return?

Intensely, it is the most expected weekend of the year. The passion shown about F1 in Mexico can’t be seen nowhere else, I enjoy those days so much.


Being a true motor racing fan, I can’t imagine what you experienced on the last Formula 1® edition in the country, over 23 years ago, do you keep in mind any special memory of that time?

 Of course I remember. We were very lucky to witness the great drivers competing in our country. Drivers that nowadays are considered legends, competing in Mexico during their best moment. And not only the drivers, also cars were astonishing, the sound was shocking. Real good memories.


What did you feel when you saw your son racing the FORMULA 1 GRAN

PREMIO DE MÉXICOTM for the first time?

I felt so much joy and excitement. Watching the whole country supporting your kid is indescribable that fills you with pride.


Do you think, Checo’s popularity has reached you too? I think there are people on the streets, recognizing you, asking you for photos, how do you feel about it?

Yes, there are people that identify me on the streets thanks to my son. Sometimes I appear on the racing broadcast and I am also very active in social media. I have my followers. And I only try to approach Checo to the fans from my point of view, there’ nothing left to do but to thank to all the fans for their support.

 As part of drivers’ professional training, there is a very important part of confidence professional and mental strength. In this aspect, which do you think that are Checo’s greatest strengths?

Checo has a great attention span and emotional control. Once he is inside the car, he can get disconnected from everything and focus only in what is in front of him. That is a great quality he has.


Did you have to make family and personal sacrifices in order to support your kids with their careers?

Yes of course, lots of them! My children’s professional career have always been a priority and however much or little we had, we gave it to them. That means many hours sleepless driving on the highway, making it to the circuits, racing and driving back, to take them to the school the very next day. It has been a race of many efforts. That’s the reason why I am happy to witness the results of all those sacrifices. But I can assure you that now the efforts and sacrifices are bigger than yesterday. F1 is very demanding and it has to be at 100 percent always.


What brings you most happiness about being a dad?

Watching my children grow and doing what they like the most. I have always thought, from the age of 0 to age of 10, you become a dad; from the age of 10 to the age of 20, you become a teacher and from the age of 20 henceforth you become a friend. I am now enjoying being their friend, I truly enjoy them and enjoy knowing they have my unconditional support.

Questions for Checo Pérez


How could you describe Antonio Garibay as your dad?

My dad in unique. I don’t know any other person more intense and stubborn than he. There is no impossible for him, he always gets what he wants.


Being your dad a fan of motor racing, do you feel that being a F1® driver is somehow, the achievement of both your dream?

Yes, I’m aware this was my dad’s dream and I feel proud to bring him that joy race after race.


How did passion for motor racing raise up in you?

My dad encouraged me, we grew up watching and listening cars. My dad was a professional driver and he led us into that way since I was a very young age. He used to take us to the go karst and it all began for me there.


What is your first childhood memory of Formula 1®?

Schumacher. I grew up watching Schumacher competing and winning all. I think that’s one of my first childhood memories.


Did you use to watch Grand Prix with your dad?

Yes, we used to watch it together. It was very exciting to watch the racing on TV.


Have you always supported the same drivers or were you ever opponents?

No, we were almost always on the same side.


Who was you childhood idol?

My idol was Senna. I never got to see him racing, but I used to watch his videos all the time.


How are you going to celebrate Father’s Day, when coincidently there will be no race?

We will surely make a family meal. I am not sure if we will go out or maybe a house grill party.


Which has been the best advice your father gave you, in your personal drive and as a driver?

 Never giving up, always fighting for what I want and I think I have followed them for all my life.


When you climb the podium, what do you feel when thinking of your father?

I think it is both our achievement and I thank him for having taken me for that road.


If you managed to climb FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO TM podium this year, how would you celebrate it?

I think Mexico would turn into a real madness. I would celebrate it with my whole family, my joyful friends and my sponsors who have also been my support.


Being used to touring around the world with Formula 1®, how is it different to compete in your country?

Mexican people are party effusive people. No any other place in the world celebrates F1 with such passion and joy. Which is why all F1 World enjoys coming to Mexico. It is a contagious joy all over the paddock.


Explain your routine during a Grand Prix and how does it change when you are in Mexico?

It doesn’t change that much when I am in Mexico. I have to stay calm and focused. It does changes since that becomes the busiest week for me, compared with any other Grand Prix, but apart from that, I try to do things the same way to keep my peace and cold head.


What is the other drivers’ opinion about FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICOTM?

All of them enjoy it very much. It is one of the favorites Grand Prix for many and they always ask for recommended places for visiting, eating or going out. I think they have a great time here.


Do you picture yourself as a dad one day, what kind of dad do you think you’d be?

Yes I would like that. I hope I will be a tender and caring dad, what I would like the most is having time to enjoy them at the fullest.


Would you inherit your passion for motor racing to your kids?

I don’t know that yet. I think it would be inevitable for them not to grow in that environment, but it would be their decision now. If they were interested and they liked it I think I would support them.


Would you like your son to become a Formula 1® driver?

I would be really nice, but it will depend on them.


In that case, what would you consider your main role and what would you advice to them?

I would only be their father. I would let them to get all by themselves and I would only give them accurate advice when they asked me to.