Next opening for FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO 2017™ media accreditation procedure.

July 10th, 2017.





Welcome to FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™ once again. We cannot wait to have your presence and make you part of our F1ESTA this 2017.


We would like to thank your effort, which was a key to get for FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™ the award for Formula 1® “Best Event of the Year” for the second year in a row. We thank the support received for making of that new edition of the race in Mexico a great success.


For your information, the media accreditation process for FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO 2017™ will begin next July 17th.


As you know, the registry for media accreditation is a very serious and strict procedure. That is why, we kindly ask you to read the following document, very carefully so you help us to follow all the procedure steps to get your media accreditation more easily.


In case of having any problem with your accreditation and solution is out of your reach, don’t hesitate on sending an e-mail to [email protected] to receive personal attention.


On the other hand, in order to bring you the best experience during the event, we are working on improvements for the Media Center so this year you have a more comfortable working area and your experience is a lot better.


With that been said, we expect to have you next October 27,28 and 29 to experience the F1EBRE at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez.






                                                                         Rodrigo Sánchez

Director of Marketing and Public Relations




Next opening for FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO 2017™ media accreditation procedure.


CIE (Corporación Interamericana de Entretenimiento) has announced the opening of the accreditation for mass media expecting to cover FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO 2017.


National media accreditation shall be done on the web site from July 17 to August 18, 2017 at 23:59 p.m. It is important to keep in mind that under no circumstances applications will be received after the closing date (August 18th) for we recommend starting the accreditation procedure as soon as possible.


All the applications for national media accreditation shall meet the following requirements established by FIA (International Automobile Federation) and/or FOM (Formula One Management). For international applications please contact the communication team [email protected] for assistance during the procedure.


General requirements for accreditation

The journalist selected to cover the event for each media, must fill out the corresponding application and consider his fellowships on the same. All assistants for media shall be enlisted in just one application – in priority coverage assistant order.


1.     Accreditation applications will only be considered if issued with the official procedure on the web site


2.     As part of the accreditation procedure, Director or Editor of each media shall deliver a letter on a company paper, providing name and description of the journalist to carry out the coverage. In addition, it will be necessary to indicate the scope of media coverage in their territory (mobility, scope, impact, etc.).

If accreditation is needed for more than one person, it won’t be necessary to send more than one letter, all journalists’ names and descriptions can be respectively specified in just one letter.

In the case of being a freelance journalist or photographer, this shall provide witnesses of his/her work, along with an official letter signed by any of the mass media for which he/she works. No application will be considered as completed until the letter issued by the Director or Editor have been received. Please send your letter of assist along with your application.


2.     FIA considers media accreditation as a working tool that will only be used by authorized press members. This means, that no editors, analysts, marketing researchers, companies’ marketing or publicity departments; as well as publicists and Public Relations managers will be considered.


3.     Applications for press accreditation shall be completed as soon as possible and right before the set deadline (from July 17 to August 18, 2017 at 23:59 p.m.).


4.     In order to enter their application, the journalists shall have an official ID, issued by their media. In the absence of it, procedure will not be completed and consequently they will not be accredited to cover the event.


5.     All media shall be accredited and send three examples of publications where they have covered aspects in connection with Formula 1® during 2017.  FIA as well as the promoters reserve the right to request physical evidence such as a cover or the main section of the media.


6.     Every journalist shall send photo identification in .jpeg format, high resolution where the face shape is clearly appreciated.


7.     If your application is approved, the journalist will own an individual and non-transferable accreditation to the event as well as access to restricted areas of the venue (including media center, paddock and reserved zones).


1. Press and Photographs

Accredited press shall meet the following requirements. FIA owns the exclusive right of approval.


Daily national publication:

·     Minimum circulation of 50,000 copies


Weekly publication/ Monthly publication:

·     Minimum circulation of 20,000 copies


Minimum coverage required for daily publications:

·     Thursday event: previous article/s

·     Friday and Saturday: follow-up article/s

·     Sunday (if applicable): follow-up article/s

·     Monday: race report


Minimum coverage required for weeklies / Montly publications:

·     ‘Substantial’ this means and important part of the general content of the publication.


Freelance journalists/ photographers:

·     Freelance journalists and/or photographers must prove they have regularly provided content and/or pictures to at least five publications that meet FIA criteria. Those journalists and photographers will need a letter to assist issued by one of the media for which they work, they shall also meet accreditation requirements. FIA will not accredit any journalist or photographer who is not officially working for a mass media.


2. Websites

Accreditation for web media is only designed for freelance editorial coverage of each media. It will not be used for other purpose, including Public Relations, personal or commercial purpose or entertaining promotions.


Only one journalist as maximum will be accredited as representative for each web media. Web sites associated with any other printed media which has already requested accreditation previously, will be able to receive accreditation, just provided that they meet corresponding requirements.


·     All web sites that apply for accreditation must be profesional and devoted when reporting about Formula 1®, or being a sport media with a specialized section of Formula 1®.

·     For all cases, any kind of coverage in connection with Formula 1® shall be free to all the public.

·     Blogs don’t apply.

·     Applicant shall exhibit traffic figures audited on the last three years (expressed in unique IP addresses per year), as well as a geographical breakdown of users.

·     It is important for every electronic media to specify if the event coverage considers only text and photos, or if it will also include video and/or audio recording of Gran Premio de México 2017™.


3. Radio

Access to the event will only be granted to record short audios. Every report shall last 60 seconds as maximum. Each accredited radio station may include as maximum, four (4) of these reports on their news or sport programs in a 60-minute period of time, provided that these meet following conditions:

1.   Radio live broadcast, will be geographically blocked in the Mexican territory for both modalities conventional and internet, DRM (Digital Rights Management) techniques will be used to protect the content of the unauthorized access and will not be able for downloads.

2.   In Spanish and for the Mexican territory only.        

3.   Live broadcast or within 24 hours of the event.

Registered radio stations will be addressed to Formula One Management, who owns the exclusive right of approval.


4. Television

Mexican TV stations may apply to send only one reporter (with no camera) to the event. Selected candidates will have access to the Media Center.

A 3-minute video clip with the best moments of the day will be available for national viewers. Recommended TV stations will be addressed to Formula One Management who owns the exclusive right of approval.






Online Media Center

There will be a website ( to which, both accredited and NON- accredited media will have access to download content and pictures; during and after the event. The available material will be free to all media.


Notice letter

Once accreditation procedure finishes, all media will receive a notice letter about their application resolution.

All applications are individually revised, for there is no an estimated time of response for each one of them.





Press contacts:



Francisco Velázquez

Press Manager

T. 5201-9089

[email protected]


María Torres Farber

Account Manager

T. (55) 41600 800 / 900

[email protected]





The highest category in motor racing has returned to Mexico, after 23 years of absence, pioneer of the greatest  sport events in our country. With a term from 2015 to 2019 the renewed Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez is the perfect stage for the return of the F1ESTA to our country, with a highest world-class level track. 

On its first two editions (2015 and 2016), over 375 thousand people attending the race, turned into the second with the biggest number of spectators around the world (after Great Britain).  

Until now, FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™ has generated over 22 thousand jobs, economic revenue of 1,119 MDD (24,841 million of pesos).   

One more year, Mexico will create a world-class position during racing that will take place from October 27th, to October 29th, after having been awarded as the Best Event of the Year by the maximum authorities in world professional motor racing FIA and FOM, during its first two editions.  

For further information about FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO™ go:


About Formula 1®:   

Formula 1® is the most prestigious motor racing competition in the world that has taken the position of the most popular annual sport competition in the planet: In 2016 the championship was witnessed by 400 million of viewers only from over 200 places.    

With a long history of glory and racing written since 1950, Formula 1® has been bastion for great drivers, as well as for iconic teams that had led motor racing to being part of collective memory in millions of fans all around the world.   

In 2016 FIA Formula One World Championship™ took place from March to November, including 21 races in 21 countries of the five continents. Formula One World Championship Limited is part of Formula 1® and owns the exclusive commercial rights to FIA Formula One World Championship™.   

Formula 1® has being raced in Mexico for 17 times, being editions 2015 and 2016 recognized as “The best Grand Prix of the world”. For further information about Formula 1® go to:

About CIE: 

Corporación Interamericana de Entretenimiento, S.A. de C. V.  

We are the market leader in outdoor entertainment in Mexico, Colombia and Central America and one of the major players in the entertainment industry in Latin America and across the globe.   

CIE offers a variety of world-class entertainment options including concerts, theater productions, and sports and family and cultural events, among others, to meet our market segments’ needs for recreation and entertainment through its unique vertical integration model that provides the only access available to an extensive network of  entertainment centers, advertisers, including the main advertising investors in our markets, and partnerships and strategic alliances with experienced global partners.   

We operate an amusement and water park in Bogota, Colombia, and manage Centro Banamex in Mexico City, one of the largest convention and exhibition facilities across the globe. We are recognized as the foremost producer and organizer of special and corporate events in Mexico, and we operate one of the most professional contact centers in the Mexican market.   

CIE is a public company whose shares and debt securities are listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange.