Esteban Gutierrez gets ready for the F1ESTA

Mexico City, October 18, 2016



Esteban Gutierrez gets ready for the F1ESTA

The Monterrey driver tells us about his expectations for the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016™ and at present motor racing in Mexico.

You didn’t race last year in Mexico but still it was a huge weekend for you, given the announcement of your inclusion to Haas. What do you remember of FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2015™, Haas’ news and the fact that it was going to be the first race in your country since you were one year old?

It was a great time and a great experience when I could enjoy the moment from a very different view, since I was not competing, but at the same time, it was where the announcement of my inclusion this year to Haas as main driver was made. Being able to share all that with all Mexicans, the people and media that have been supporting me during my career turned it without a doubt into a very special moment.

In general, since it was an incredible and a very, very intense event. I lived it and enjoyed it so much. It was very impressive to watch people so enthusiastic and cheerful in the event.

What excites you the most about race this year? Technically, how do you think the track will affect the car? What would be the real expectation?

Fans will be the most important and the fact that all people support me and have supported me, they will be there present– many friend and relatives –, but most of all Mexican audience support. At the end, they are who feed our motivation day by day. As Mexican, feeling their presence there, for me it will be an incredible experience that I could only experience at the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICO 2016™.

Regarding the car, I think it will adapt well to the circuit and I am going to give my best to get a great result in front of my audience to celebrate together a great event with a good result, obviously aiming to finish among the first ten drivers on crossing the finish line.

For Mexican drivers, it is hard to make the leap to Europe and making a career in motor racing. Since you and ‘Checo’ made it to Formula 1, have you notice things have changed for young Mexican drivers?

Yes, things are getting better, just like categories and infrastructure. I think we have to enjoy this new motor racing wave and exploit the sport in Mexico, improving tracks and categories, because that’s what is really going to sustain motor racing in the future, whether there is Formula 1 in Mexico or not.

I believe it is important to support Formula 1, given that this way we guarantee this sport’s future in Mexico. I also believe there is a big incentive and motivation from companies when it comes to supporting new talents. Each time you hear about more drivers trying to come for the important categories in Europe, to grow and aiming to make a career as a professional driver in general.


Tell us how your family and Telmex support has helped you to make it where you are now.

First of all I have to mention that my family has been a very important part of my career, especially my father, who has always been by my side as counselor. He has had a great vision so I can grow as a person and has always given me an unconditional support –both in good as in bad times.

Being able to share with them great moments like these I am living today, fills me with pride and joy. The acceptance from my sister, my brothers and my mother to let me grow in this world, was a great moral support to keep going with the strength needed.

On the other hand, I thank all those sponsors who have been involved from the very beginning of my career, especially thanks to Carlos Slim, who besides of being a great fan of motor racing has also done so much for Mexican motor racing and drivers in my country. This for me is something truly especial, since I am one of the few who have had the support of Carlos and together we have made it this far.

Throughout this journey, I have given my best to keep going and achieving what we all want, which is becoming world champion.


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Do not miss the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016™!

Last available tickets are on sale at the Ticketmaster Network on the web page, Ticketmaster authorized centers, calling 5325 9000 or at the ticket window no. 7 placed in Palacio de los Deportes.

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