Getting closer, we are only over 100 days ahead the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016®


Mexico City, June 30th, 2016.


Getting closer, we are only over 100 days ahead the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016®



  • Preparations for the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016®, began at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez, only four months away.


There are only four months away to fill the country with the adrenalin of FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016®, which means that teams, fans and especially the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez are getting ready for October 28, 29 and 30.

Organizers has just begun with the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez adjustment works, to set up the circuit in a timely manner to play host to the real F1ESTA once more.

“We have just begun with the facilities conditioning works to have everything set up. Right now we are working on planting the grass near the track, which has damping properties, thus it cannot collapse”, said Lourdes Skipsey, FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016® Director of Operations.

Besides, throughout coming months, spots like the nursery – equipped with the latest technology – the control tower – from where the whole race will be monitored-, the media center – with capacity for 500 journalists from all over the world–, the pit building – with 33 boxes already set up to receive the teams – and the grandstands –which will receive around 110 thousands of fans–, they will be all significantly improved.

For the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016® the experience of the public will be crucial since it was qualified as ‘the best audience in the world’ according to Bernie Ecclestone, Formula One Management and Formula One Administration Chief Executive, so this year the audience will have a bigger number of spots, products and services offered, consequently they will be able to choose a better seat and the best experience to live at the top the adrenalin created by FORMULA 1®.

With this initiatives made to the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez, there is no doubt that fans will be the most important for the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016® just four months away.

´Now we are working really hard to give the audience an even more attractive experience than the experienced during the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2015®, that is why just four months ahead the beginning, we are now stepping on the gas pedal to make it on time and manner to the date and exceeding any expectation’, stated Federico Gonzalez Compean, FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO® Director.

Under the supervision of the International Automobile (FIA), 19 Mexican enterprises and the German one – Tilke – were in charge of putting the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez into action in 2015, resulting in a successful remodeling that got the Level 1 Certification.

The circuit was considered one of the safest and the most intrepid for the drivers, who can’t hardly wait to test their skills again along the 17 curves, the acclaimed peraltada ‘Nigel Mansell’ – placed in Foro Sol – and the main straight – which is 1,302 meters length and where they all expect to break the 366 km/ph speed record set by Pastor Maldonado last year.




Do not miss the FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MEXICO 2016®!


Tickets are on sale through the Ticketmaster Network on the web page, Ticketmaster authorized centers, calling 5325 9000 or at the ticket window no. 7 placed in Palacio de los Deportes.

Find more information about the location of your tickets on the webpage

Corporative packs available at:


Diego Perez

[email protected]




Facebook: mexicogp

Instagram/Twitter: @mexicogp

#MexicoGP #F1ESTA



Francisco Velázquez

[email protected]

(52 55) 52019089


Manuel Orvañanos

[email protected]

(52 55) 63866686

Band of Insiders


About CIE

Corporacion Interamericana de Entretenimiento, S.A.B de C. V.

We are the market leader in outdoor entertainment in Mexico, Colombia and Central America and one of the major players in the entertainment industry in Latin America and across the globe.

CIE offers a variety of world-class entertainment options including concerts, theater productions, and sports and family and cultural events, among others, to meet our market segments’ needs for recreation and entertainment through its unique vertical integration model that provides the only access available to an extensive network of entertainment centers, advertisers including the principal advertising investors in our markets, and partnerships and strategic alliances with experienced global partners.

We operate an amusement and water park in Bogota, Colombia, and manage Centro Banamex in Mexico City, one of the largest convention and exhibition facilities across the globe. We are recognized as the foremost producer and organizer of special and corporate events in Mexico, and we operate one of the most professional contact centers in the Mexican market.

CIE is a public company whose shares and debt securities are listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange.